Sunday, September 5, 2010

Do You Have A Blogging Schedule?

12:37 PM |

One of the important steps to successful blogging is to create valuable content on a regular basis. When you do that, you'll attract more traffic to your blog and establish yourself as a leader. Here's why :
  1. Your readers will realise that your blog is a source of valuable information and practical solutions to their problems and keep coming back for more. 
  2. Search engines such as Google, are always looking for the freshest, most relevant content to show in the search results. The more you create content for your blog, the better chance you stand of getting it recognised by the search engines.
Simply put, regular quality content on your blog means increased traffic and more money in your pocket!

To achieve this, you need to create a blogging schedule that you'll stick to in order to turn your blog into a cash generating platform. Isn't this obvious?

Sadly not. I come across a lot of bloggers who are not seeing any significant results with blogging and when I look at their blogs I see that they are not consistent with writing their posts. What do I mean?
  1. Some write a post once in a while, like once in two months or so, 
  2. Some write posts for several consecutive days then struggle to maintain the pattern,
  3. Some have completely abandoned their blogs, not adding any content but still promoting them.

Now, these bloggers have one thing in common -- they are hoping for some traffic to come their way and turn that traffic into profits. How can that be? Are they consistent? Nope!

If you are really serious about blogging and want to turn your blog into a source of decent income, then create a schedule right after reading this post. Don't put it off any minute, otherwise it will never happen. Make a commitment to do it and put it on paper.

So, how often should you write posts then? I hear you ask... Glad you asked as this is one of the common questions I get from new bloggers.

The key is to develop a blogging schedule that is line with your circumstances and goals. There would be no point in aiming for two posts daily and fail to achieve that due to your other commitments. I personally recommend 2-3 quality posts a week. When my blog was still new, I used to produce up to 5 posts a week and now I write at least 2 posts a week without fail.

My publishing days are Mondays and Fridays. I would then publish a bonus post on a Wednesday. I have maintained this routine for a long time now and I am so used to it. So used to it, that I don't even need a reminder :)

Now, the other thing that bloggers struggle with is the writer's block. In fact this is what makes it difficult for many people to have a blogging schedule and actually stick to it. If you are one of those bloggers, keep a list of blogging ideas and study other bloggers in your niche.

Here are some key points that will help you to kick-start your new blogging routine:
  1. It all starts with planning. Make time for blogging and add it to your current schedule. How you do this will depend mostly on how important blogging is for you and what you want to achieve with your blog. 
  2. Choose the exact days that you want to publish on rather than being all over the place with your posts.
  3. Keep a list of ideas for your future posts running. There is always something to write about!
  4. Don't put yourself under pressure to generate new content. Plan ahead. I always have draft posts ready to be published. Having your posts ready before the actual publishing day also works well.
  5. Review your blogging schedule and make necessary adjustments to suit your circumstances and objectives. Remember it's all about quality than quantity. Your goal should be to create current and quality content in a consistent manner.
If at any given time, you have a downtime on your blog, i.e. a long period of time without adding new content, then you'll lose your readers and potential income! People will simply not return to your blog and will search for other good blogs instead.

It's your turn now. If you have a blogging schedule, leave me a comment below and let me know how that is going for you. If you don't have one, I would love to hear from you too -- leave me a comment below with any questions or thoughts.
Source :
author  :  Mavis Nong

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