Use auto-responders : Auto what ? Yes ! Auto responders. They have been claimed as greatest present ever for IM (Internet Marketing). A gift out of the blue. You`ll find many auto responder services. Some free for some period (trial period) and some paid. In fact, to check how it works I suggest to all to use the services like Trafficwave, Aweber for trial period and if you really like it then go for it.
Simple. Lets say that you have a website and there`s optin form on it (email address and name field). Optin form is an option where the people who are even slightly interested or having inclination to your website, content, or product enter their names and email address.
Once they do that they get an email on their email address for confirmation of subscription (you know now what I`m talking. Right?). Pretty much same as facebook, google, yahoo etc. Once they click on the confirmation link on their email then the real work starts.
HOW ? Now what you do exactly with your auto responder account is that you create a campaign. Lets say that you have a good website of gardening so you make a campaign of gardening. You make email templates as per your product and then save them and you get html code which you`ll have to insert in your site then whenever someone enters their information on your website then they get the auto emails saved by you already.
Make option list : The most important piece of information is the email add/name of the person who visited your website/blog. Why ? `Coz only if you have someones email add and if the person approves your emails then you can promote your products, services, website/blog to that person. Makes SENSE!!
Now auto responders help you create the list of peoples names and email addresses who have at least SOME inclination for your product/services/blog/website. That SOME inclination is where you cut in the deal with auto responder and earn lots of money.